I didn’t know who Michael Jackson is until he died. 
I got lots of news about Michael from TV and newspaper after 25th June this year. 
I was so curious and interested in knowing everything about Michael Jackson. 
Mom told me Michael Jackson was a superstar in the world. 
Then I went to google “ Michael Jackson “,
The more information I know the more love to him day after day.

      Born in 1958, Michael was the seventh of nine children. 
At the age of four, Michael started singing along with his brother. 
Although he was a shy and quiet boy at home, 
he was a natural star in front of the microphone and audience. 
Michael had special talent in performance. 
The journey from child star to the “ King of Pop “, 
Michael was always insisted to be the best. 

      Michael Jackson was the biggest star in the world. 
He sold more records and won more awards than any other singers. 
He gave fans, young and old, lots of wonderful music, 
and was a strong musical influence on many singers and songwriters.

Have you ever heard 
“ we are the word, we are the children, 
we are the ones who make a brighter day so let’s start giving. . . . . “ ? 
Michael created this famous song “ We are the world “ with Lionel Richie in 1985. 
It supported the famine relief effort for Africa with 44 singers. 
Michael also loved the earth and concerned ecology, 
“ Earth song “ is the other touching song written by Michael.

Michael was such a kind, caring and loving person. 
He inspired so many people around the world with his music, 
dance and gentle heart. 
He is gone but will be in all of his fans’ soul forever. 
Finally I would like to show you my favorite song “ Beat it “
to express my love to Michael Jackson.
 “ Beat it, beat it. . . . . . . .“  

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這是我幫迪寫得 " 英文說故事 " 比賽的稿


但為了讓迪能 " 四連霸 " ( 這是他去年得第三個第一之後的企圖 )
所以請出 " Michael Jackson " 助迪一臂之力
也就是除了 " 說 " 
迪還要 " 唱跳 " 一段 Michael 的歌
基於迪對 Michael 的喜愛與他的表演能力
我想 " 出奇致勝 " 這招有效
當然接下來還要幫迪打扮成 Michael
墨鏡 , 帽子 , 酷外套 . . . . . . . . . .

你一定很期待迪的表演吧 ?
我也是 !

迪 , 加油 ! ! !


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